

上高金MBA朱宁教授解读李克强总理访英 MBAChina 【MBAChina网讯】6月19日,上海交通大学上海高级金融学院(SAIF)副院长、金融学教授朱宁做客CCTV NEWS《对话》栏目担任嘉宾解读国务院总理李克强访英之旅对人民币国际化的意义。

Host: Welcome back,you are watching alive edition of dialogue on CCTV news,out topic today is the China-UK relation with the official visit from the China premier Li Keqiang inside UK,and today for the 2nd half of our program,we are going to focus more on trade and particularly the financial ties between the two nations. Studio now for the 2nd half program we have professor Zhu Ning deputy director of the Advanced institute of finance of Shanghai Jiaotong University. welcome, sir, also we welcome back Mr. John Ross who is the senior fellow of Chongyang institute of finance service of Renmin University, gentlemen, we understand that one year ago the two sides China and UK signed a 200 billion dollars of currency swop deal for three year time,and now it is moving to world direction to have London as one of the pioneering hub for the RMB,how big a change is this?Professor Zhu

Zhu: I think that it is quiet significant,but I think both things have taken place over step and over step,I think by starting up bilateral swop that enabling Chinese RMB to have more present in UK,I think would have more understanding about how the system works,I think now by establishing London as the leading splice for RMB in Europe or maybe entire world ,I think it is really significant in two ways,one is that RMB has made another significant step moving forward to become an international currency,on the other hand I think that London stands out as the leading financial center over New York city and over Frankfurt as a very major place for China to have a trusted partner to have its expansion of RMB business,I think it is a quietly beneficial and significance to both parties.

Host: agree with that,even thought someone argue that RMB has already became the so called the 8th biggest international currency,professor Zhu

Zhu:well, if you put on different and different area of economy and fiancé, RMB is probably rent very high,but if you look through and look closely at how much has been made up in financial transaction,I think RMB is still relatively confined in its own areas,I attempt to conqual with other guests,I think it is very significant step both symbolically and substantively,things at this point I think that whatever big percentage increase will be reasonable because we are started from a very low face

Host: how much does it really mean for the international organization of RMB with discussion of this topic already,it seems already the beginning of China leading for the world trade organization I think,however we are still doing that the reason is that China prefers a gradual approach,and others also understand the importance of that ,but how much does it really mean having London as one of the offshore or trading hub for the RMB internationalization process,will that be really a searching extent

Zhu:I think by all means,I think to this point ,Hongkong or Singapore,I mean the other two quarter of international center for RMB has been largely in Asia ,they have been likely closely connected to the China market,to have another market,we can forget about its significance, having an international center for RMB outside of Asia Pacific region,step by step,but it is important ,secondly I think that as an international financial center,London I think it is willingness to regularly have welcome RMB,that is also very encouraging sign,I think London or England have became confidence on RMB comes an accumulate for international currency.

Host: professor Zhu, is occupying London stage for China premier to explain to the rest of world what the Chinese having minded this economy, important?

Zhu: I would think it is very important ,I think put into two reasons one is as much as China has developed over the past two or three decades, it still remains a mystery to many foreign investors in foreign countries, so in that way I think there can not be enough explanation for what is going on in China what is China strategy for future economic development ,the second I think is a lot of pressure and congestion about what China economy speed can still maintain its speed at 7.5 % .

Host: for a hard landing

Zhu:exactly,going to a hard landing or there will be some forms of accumulates or some kinds of economic policy changes going forward in the rest of year,I think this layer of clarification is being lifted up, a quietly well time also very important ,because I think in some way confidence is really as much importance as the money or support itself,the more is the confidence from foreign investor and foreign community that was giving not only Chinese but also international community some pieces of mind.

Host: what really interesting,professor Zhu,is that you see more than more when Chinese leaders are doing their foreign visits, their explanation of China situation is extremely interested to all audience in the other countries, on the other hand, the international community confidence and understanding about China realities is also important in the way to China’s domestic reform,we understand that China is now pushing to certain extent its financial reform, how much importance is really there for let’s just say the UK audience understand, how much interaction there is likely to be as a result, professor Zhu.

Zhu:I think it is very important ,I can tell from my personal experience I am working with the British embassy in China, some project related to China oracle bone market ,it seems that there is considerable interests coming from the foreign communities in developing more financially in China,but they really do not have the knowhow about what is really going on, what is the introversy in the regultory or in the policy side, so I think the more people know about micro-side of China, the more interest will grow into the middle level or into the micro level in the business level ,they would have confidence that the policy will stay stable ,there will be business friendly environment for China’s

Host: This is very interesting ,professor Zhu , when you hear the warnings over, over and over again, some time one would take the warning for granted, that could be dangerous for the China economy as well ,so once again I think from the Chinese perspective is about how to distinguish the real warning from the whether, professor Zhu, in the way it seems that China premier trying to address that during his UK trip, as a economist and a financial expert ,how do you see that,

Zhu : I think that financial and economic experience is a term of called imaginary meaning that by seeing problems you might better of addressing problems ,not having heard about those issues,you might just ignore these issues, they may try to say something that will help China reform,in that way I think I want take it in more in-part perspective.









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